
Permanently Disabling a Franchise

If you wish to permanently disable a Franchise follow the following steps; Ensure the Franchise & Franchise Operator are fully enabled and ACTIVE.  They must not Temporarily Disabled. Permanently Disable the Franchise Permanently Disable the Operator – as the franchise is disabled the outgoing franchisee will be sitting under the OPERATORS tab. Once an Operator […]

Adding A Contract

Key Information About Contracts Used to facilitate automatic assignment of jobs to the appropriate provider (Operator or Franchise) They tie a suburb (or multiple) and a service type (or multiple) together and assign jobs to the matching provider that has that contract Jobs are immediately assigned upon entering the system and matching a contract Jobs […]

Adding A Franchise

Businesses in Opus can function with just Operators. If you’re a Franchised based business, then creating Franchises to manage your Franchises, Franchisees and contractually obligated jobs to be assigned to them can be done as below. Only Franchisors & Business Owners can add Franchises. Minimum Information Required: Franchise Name (Title) An valid Operator The service type the […]

Adding An Operator

You will need to add an Operator to begin assigning jobs to them, you also need to add an Operator if you intend for them to be a Franchisee. Only Franchisors & Business Owners can add Operators. Minimum Information Required: Operator’s name Operator’s email address (Opus does not accept duplicate email addresses) Operator’s address The […]

Opus, the perfect mobile operator management tool to auto assign work to operators and manage workflow.
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