What is a “Franchise”?

Opus can operate with: just Franchises, just Operators or a with a combination of both to suit your business requirements.

For a business definition of what Franchising is, start with the Wikipedia article.

In terms of Opus a Franchise is an entity that can be represented as it’s own business entity within Opus, where jobs can be assigned to it, information collected and maintained about it, analytics drawn from it.

Franchises can have contracts placed against them that allows the auto-assignment of jobs based on set criteria, as well as being eligible for Up For Grabs jobs too.

For a Franchise to exist in Opus there must be an Operator associated to it – create an Operator before adding a franchise!
One Operator can manage/belong to multiple Franchises (and they’ll only need to maintain one login – their Operator login)

Note: In the Operators view, there will be a seperate tab for “Franchisees”, which are just Operators assigned to a Franchise.

Opus, the perfect mobile operator management tool to auto assign work to operators and manage workflow.
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